Radar Processing
Pulse Processing
A filter is applied to the captured pulse based on desired properties.
In the time domain convolution is used - <math> y(t) = x(t) \star h(t) </math>
In the Fourier Domain - <math> F(\omega) = X(\omega) H(\omega) </math>
Review Paper
Transmit Codes and Receive Filters for Radar - [1]
Matched Filtering
For optimal SNR recovery of a pulse, a matched filter is used.
The transfer function is generated as - <math> H(\omega) = \bar{X(\omega)} </math>
Least Mean Squares Pulse Compression
This technique generates lower side-lobes than produced by matched filtering.
Let N be the signal length and M be the filter length and T be N + M - 1.
A is a T x M matrix where each column is the input signal padded by zeros. Each sequential column is shifted by one element. The last column contains all of the zero padding followed by the signal. Let b be the ideal filter output. b is typically an impulse function with all zeros except for the middle element.
The least mean square filter is then generated by - <math> h = [\bar{A}^T A]^{-1} \bar{A}^T b </math>
MATLAB example - File:BarkerCodeLevanonLMSPC.pdf
Stretch Processing
Phase error calibration
THz Imaging Radar for Standoff Personnel Screening - http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TTHZ.2011.2159556
SNR in Stretch Processing - http://dx.doi.org/10.1049/el.2010.0349
HUSIR Signal Processing File:21 1 7 Eshbaugh.pdf
Seminal Paper of Ordered Statistic CFAR - [[2]]
Weather Radar Pulse Compression (Low Sidelobe Filtering) - File:Pulse Compression for Weather Radars.pdf
Seminal Paper on LMS Pulse Compression - [[3]]
Kronecker STAP and SAR GMTI - [[4]]
Method to measure motion - [[5]] , [[6]]
Polarimetric ISAR Autofocusing - [[7]]
Accurate Height Determination (Determination of absolute interferometric phase using the beam-amplitude ratio technique) - [[8]]
Compressive sensing-based inverse synthetic radar imaging imaging from incomplete data - [[9]]
Fourier-based ISAR imaging using 2D polynomials - [[10]]
Range and Angle Tracking File:11Lec - Range and Angle Tracking.pdf
Precision Tracking Algorithms for ISAR Imaging [[11]]
Coherent Processing
Notes on Noncoherent Gain File:Notes on Noncoherent Integration Gain.pdf